return of the elders
We are losing our elders- our true cultural leaders- as the modern way of life systematically produces a disabled population of the elderly in their stead: a disempowered people confined to the corners and attics of our busy world. These life-proven humans were once our most celebrated relatives, sought out for their profound wisdom and loving council. They were our storehouses of truth, carrying the stories, songs and essential teachings of our people. With little left to gain but greater humility, compassion and deeper states of peace, they were our most trusted guides; holding the highest positions of leadership within the community.
In the animal kingdom, it can be seen that only certain other species reap the benefits of culture in ways that we may recognize; where an accumulation of knowledge is handed down from generation to generation through some form of intentional communication. One beautiful example of this is the orca: a highly evolved marine mammal, and apex predator. Unlike species who are not socially dependent upon long-lasting wisdom keepers, orca–specifically the females– live beyond their mating years. They become matriarchal grandmothers who support their family pod by sharing surplus food and social guidance from a life-long understanding of their native ecological system. In the wild nature, there are few benefits offered by those who are not physically fit (reproductive). But those few benefits– namely the creation and enhancement of culture– are enough to liberate a species from basic levels of survival: opening the doorway to multi-generational experiences of conscious awareness and abundant living within their chosen habitat.
So what happens when such a species loses its elders? What happens when the essential wisdom becomes disconnected from day-to-day life? Our society seems to be thoroughly exploring the answer to these questions, and has been for some time. The tell tale signs of decay are everywhere, easy to point out, and of no great revelation to those with eyes wide open. However, I find my attention drawn to the more subtle, silvery edges of this happening: where the balance is being restored. I gather my observations from within the embodied experience of a person who has been raised within this bankrupt culture. What I have come to remember fills me with inspiration, and great desire to persevere.
The key is just this: Nature is complete in her perfection.
Anyone who has spent enough time learning and growing within this planet’s wild places knows this to be true. There is no imbalance that she cannot, and will not, ultimately correct…however long that may take. There is nothing that is outside of her design. Including that which is “man made.” What I am observing with this great lack of elders is the parallel abundance of elders in training: people of all ages who are being smoothed, polished and prepared to fill the cultural void. It can be no other way. The elemental trials of life will always come, with or without guidance, transforming us through the many seasons and ever-turning cycles of death and rebirth. For most within the western world this process is completely haphazard: a near-blind stumble through the dark. Seemingly alone. Without a strong presence of wisdom keepers and storytellers to help pull us through to the other side, we are destined to learn many things anew…which often means some version of the hard way. And one of the only redeeming benefits of learning things the hard way is that we may come out the other side with an embodied understanding of life’s trials. Perhaps a greater compassion for the human condition, as well. This along with a very powerful story to be shared, so long as the person has not been completely destroyed by the experience.
I believe that the story of humanity is far from over, and that we are in the process of evolving beyond our own collective childhood. Stepping toward our full adulthood. The innocence and ignorance of our self-importance is being shed like a skin, wriggling and writhing as it peels away. And though the process may seem to threaten our very existence, we have been given everything necessary to make it through. Everything that our most distant ancestors were given. Namely, the human heart. This pulsing, inner wellspring of divine love and wisdom that created a way for our original elders to emerge in the first place. If we can remember enough to follow the guidance held within this sacred aspect of our being, it will see us through any rite of passage that life may lay before our feet…one day bringing us home to the source itself: our eyes shining with laughter, spirit filled with joy.
I feel so blessed to be called to this path of the heart, though it has been far from easy. I am so grateful for all the holy and courageous souls that have chosen the same. I see the torch of inner wisdom burning deep within each one of these blessed people. Each one rising to face life’s challenges so that they may one day turn around and help others to do the same.